Alamance Outdoors Sportsman’s Club
Welcome to the Alamance Outdoors Sportsman’s Club located in Burlington, North Carolina. A privately owned, elite sportsman’s club intensively managed for the enjoyment and sport of fish and wildlife. With over 200 acres bordering Duke Forest, Alamance Outdoors Sportsman’s Club offers the finest family friendly wildlife experience in the area. Owner and Operator Bobby Glenn Kimbrell has 32 year’s experience as a Fisheries Biologist with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, an agency dedicated to the wise-use, conservation, and management of the state's fish and wildlife resources. In addition B.G. also provides resource management for privately owned forest and game lands and consultation for fish and wildlife management. Other amenities offered are a 3 bed 2 bath club house, 5 miles of access trails on both Agriculture and Bottom Land, 15 Wildlife Plots, Game Processing Facility and hunting and fishing for the whole family! With that and more, Alamance Outdoors Sportsman’s Club is truly the place for your “Quality Outdoor Experience.”
Alamance Outdoors Kids
Got a little outdoorsman in the house? Want to share with your children or grandchildren the beauty and excitement of responsible outdoor stewardship? Then sign them up for “Alamance Outdoors Kids,” a day camp for kids to learn the skills and techniques of hunting, fishing and outdoor awareness.
Hunters pledge to children:
“I’ll promise to take you hunting while you’re too young to go by yourself, if you promise to take me hunting when I’m too old to go by myself.”
A special part of the “Alamance Outdoors Kids” camp is the annual Swan Hunt. This permitted, supervised hunt offers a special time focusing on the technique and excitement of waterfowl hunting. Group activities such as this help build lifelong friendships based on the mutual enjoyment of the outdoor experience.